Your brain is the circuit board that powers your body. If you know how you're wired, you can avoid your pitfalls. If you start with your mind, you can master your muscle. To achieve lasting success, you can't just repeat an endless cycle of transformations. You have to understand your fitness personality and transform for good. You have to rewire.
Rewired is a nine-week program designed to help you discover who you are so you can get fit for life. It's built on the idea that fitness starts on the inside—that you have to know yourself before you can permanently transform. Rewired will help you reveal your unique fitness personality mix, overcome common hurdles, and achieve lasting success.
If you haven't already taken Rewired personality test, please do so now!
Through the years, I've probably heard every excuse for why people quit. To better understand the personality traits behind excuses, I asked friends, family members, co-workers, and social media followers about their fitness habits. I used this information and created four different personality categories:
- The Thinker
- The Feeler
- The Socializer
- The Provider
In this trainer, you'll take an honest look at who you are, the way you make decisions, and how to use that information to create lasting change. To help you get to know yourself better, we've designed an easy, 5-minute, 20-question test that will help you determine your personality type and some of the pitfalls which can cause you to fail.
I believe each of us falls into one of these categories, but we tend to contain a mix of each category. The key is to identify your strengths based on your primary personality type. Once you establish your most dominant personality trait, watch the corresponding video below. Each video will help you learn how to recognize your pitfalls and how to use your unique strengths to your advantage.
Each personality has its own particular set of challenges and strengths. No matter which category you fall into, you'll learn how to harness your best assets and overcome challenges that may hinder your fitness goals.
Your impulse to analyze everything is great, but it many prevent you from consistently working toward your fitness goals. Harness your strengths, take action, and get fit for life!THE FEELER
When it comes to fitness, you prefer to go by feel. This trait can impact the quality of your workouts and consistency of your diet. Learn to overcome your hurdles and get fit!THE SOCIALIZER
You're the life of the party, but your desire to socialize can get in the way of accomplishing your fitness goals. Learn to use the best parts of your fitness personality and rewire for life!THE PROVIDER
You tend to put everyone else's needs before your own, which can keep you from the gym and hinder your personal goals. Put your strengths to work and make fitness a priority!Once you watch the video you're most connected to, go back and view the rest of the personality videos. We all carry a percentage of each personality type, so you can learn something new in each video!